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A productivity tool that lets you talk to Mr Kim and handle your tasks efficiently

Kim’s Secret Chat - User Guide


1. Introduction

Kim’s Secret Chat is a helpful tool that you can talk to to keep track of your tasks and everything going on in your life. He is friendly, I promise.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest release of Kim's Secret Chat here
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for the tool.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds. UI
  5. Type the command in the command box and press enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing list and pressing enter will list all the tasks in task list
  6. Refer to Section 3, Features for details of each command

3. Features

3.1 list - Listing all the tasks added

Lists all the tasks that has been added in the task list

Format: list

3.2 todo - Creating a todo

Creates a todo task with description and add it to task list

Format: todo TASK

Example of usage:
todo sleep

Expected outcome:
The todo task sleep is added to the task list

3.3 event - Creating an event

Creates an event task with description and date

Format: event TASK /at DATE

Example of usage:
event dinner /at 10/08/2020

Expected outcome:
The event task dinner with date 10/08/2020 is added to the task list

3.4 deadline - Creating a deadline

Creates an deadline task with description and date

Format: deadline TASK /at DATE

Example of usage:
deadline homework /at 01/04/2020

Expected outcome:
The deadline task homework with date 01/04/2020 is added to the task list

3.5 delete - Deleting a task

Deletes a specified task from the task list

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage:
delete 2

Expected outcome:
Deletes the second task from the task list

3.6 find - Finding a task

Finds all tasks whose descriptions contain the keyword

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage:
find bobo

Expected outcome:
Finds all the tasks in the task list whose descriptions contain the keyword bobo

3.7 done - Marking a task as done

Marks a specified task from the task list as done

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage:
done 1

Expected outcome:
Marks the first task in the task list as done

3.8 sort - Sorting the task list

Sorts the task list by alphabetical order

Format: sort

3.9 bye - Exiting the program

Exits the program

Format: bye

4. FAQ

Q: How do I save the tasks in the task list so that they will still be there when i exit the program and reopen it again
A: The program will automatically save all your tasks for you.